Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Securing network infrastructure prior to building occupancy

In recent conversations with network security managers, we heard concerns about securing networks in newly constructed buildings, even before the network is turned on. The issue is that in new construction the network infrastructure is installed well before the building is occupied. During this period of time, from construction to occupancy, a device could be placed on the network cabling that would go unnoticed and could be used in the future to tap the data transmissions once the network is operating.

By installing INTERCEPTOR at the same time the network is installed, information assurance managers can be confident that the network infrastructure will not been compromised prior to turning up the network. INTERCEPTOR monitors dark (inactive) fibers, and with its remote monitoring capabilities, appropriate personnel are immediately alerted to any tampering with the installed infrastructure.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Tests prove INTERCEPTOR drastically reduces cost of PDS deployment

To explore the full capabilities of the aforementioned patent, NIS engineers recently have confirmed through testing of a simulated network that a single INTERCEPTOR port can effectively secure at least 40 end user drops. This means that a 4-port INTERCEPTOR is capable of monitoring four separate circuits or zones serving up to 160 end-user connection points.

As a result, INTERCEPTOR, priced at approximately $22,000 GSA per unit, costs less than $150 per drop to deploy, exclusive of the cabling and, if required, the hardened PDS. In some cases, the Designated Approval Authority (DAA) will permit the use of INTERCEPTOR in combination with interlocking armored cable and eliminate the requirement for hardened PDS.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

NIS awarded patent for PDS technology

NIS has been awarded a patent for dark fiber monitoring of optic cables and hub and spoke monitoring architecture. This technology enables INTERCEPTOR to uniquely use two or more dark fibers (spare, inactive) in a multi-fiber cable to protect the entire cable against intrusion. The patent also describes a technique to protect connectivity to multiple end users with a single port or zone.

Combined, these technologies make INTERCEPTOR the most cost effective PDS alternative available. (For more information, see the INTERCEPTOR Design Guide)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Rapid Increase of INTERCEPTOR Installations

The word is getting out … In 2010, NIS’ business grew by more than 5 times that of the year before! We want to thank our customers for contributing to our success!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Spring Conferences

NIS will be exhibiting at the Tactical C4 Conference April 19-21 in Atlanta and at DoDIIS May 1-5 in Detroit, MI.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Network Integrity Systems exhibited and discussed potential INTERCEPTOR applications with a number of military IA personnel at two recent conferences: the COMSEC Users Conference at Lackland AFB in February and the Information Assurance Expo (IAE) in Nashville in March. INTERCEPTOR was seen by attendees as a PDS solution that has the potential to change the way network security is handled. We demonstrated how INTERCEPTOR can be used in a point-to-multipoint architecture to allow high density, logically clustered groups of protected SIPR drops.

This results in cost reductions of 75% or greater when compared to legacy protection methods. In addition, without PDS to construct, secure network connections can be delivered in days instead of weeks. Since the secure network infrastructure is no longer obvious and the monitored cables therefore do not require human inspections to assure their security, the cables can be concealed above ceilings or below floors, improving facility aesthetics and enhanced security.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Making Sure Non-Compliant PDS Survives Growing Network Security Demands

In our meetings and discussions with military network operators, we often hear concerns about bringing PDS into compliance and maintaining Authority to Operate (ATO). Operational requirements to expand secure connections have caused many DAAs to re-evaluate existing waivers for secure network infrastructure being protected by a non-compliant PDS. Many units are struggling to come up with a cost-effective, easy-to-implement solution.

While C4 networks are a critical asset and enabler for U.S. military and government operations, they are becoming more and more of a target for our enemies as well. Due to the increased reliance and dependence of military personnel on C4 networks to conduct operations, maintaining the security and availability of these networks is essential – which is why many historical waivers for PDS systems are being rescinded or scheduled to expire. As a result, many network security managers are facing the question of how to meet stringent new requirements with limited budgets and short timelines.

In many cases, the options for bringing network security up to standard present a choice between the use of encryption or making significant changes to the cable infrastructure and pathways. These approaches can be completely disruptive to existing operations and/or can cost a significant amount of money.

The Interceptor alarmed carrier PDS offers an easy and cost effective way to bring classified networks such as SIPRNet and JWICS into compliance.

The Interceptor is ideal for both outside plant and indoor applications. When monitoring building-to-building links, it provides persistent network security and eliminates the need for daily, mandatory manhole inspections and in locations where required, the need to encase the duct banks in concrete.

Inside the building, Interceptor can be added to existing cables carried in legacy hardened PDS and mitigates most issues of non-compliance due to its persistent monitoring for intrusions into the PDS. An added benefit is that the need for daily visual inspections is eliminated because the system is now considered an Alarmed Carrier Hardened Distribution System (Reference NSTISSI 7003).

How does this help with waivers that will not be renewed? With plug-and-play capability, Interceptor can be rapidly added to new or existing network infrastructure – making migration from a waivered PDS system to a fully compliant PDS system quick and cost effective.

For more information about Interceptor as a means for bringing PDS into compliance, visit http://www.networkintegritysystems.com/Non-Compliance%20PDS%20Emailer.pdf, and consult with your CTTA to ensure that any proposed system – hardened or alarmed – provides the necessary protection for unencrypted, classified national security information based upon your specific deployment.